Staking-as-a-Service (St-a-a-S)
Staking-as-a-Service (St-a-a-S)
Participating in the maintanence of a PoS network is a complex task that requires a deep technological understanding of the underlying protocol, constant availability, industry grade hardware and significant capital expenditure. Token holders who want to participate in the maintanence of the network and ultimately earn rewards & fees for doing so, but who are unwilling or unable to do so themselves, can use the services of a St-a-a-S by delegating their tokens. St-a-a-S provider charge a commission fee for their services.
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Protocol Mechanics
For better classification, differentiation and comparability of different Blockchain networks, we identified different Protocol Mechanics.
Staking Mechanics
Staking Mechanics refer to the token economics, which is a new branch of the economy that explains the structure of a particular ecosystem in the blockchain sphere. It describes the study, design, and implementation of economic systems built on blockchain technology. Each platform and blockchain application is developed under its own token-economics model.
Proof-of-Stake blockchains not only differ in terms of their 'Protocol Mechanics', but also in terms of certain staking-related parameters, e.g. their reward or inflation rate as well as certain actions that are required by delegators.